Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Reff & Associates clients, among the first companies in the world to benefit from the legal technology solutions designed by Deloitte Legal and UiPath

06 Mai 2019   |   BizLawyer

The first solution co-developed by UiPath, Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence and Reff & Associates is a robot for the legal industry which can search public records such as a securities register, which are frequently accessed in due diligence exercises.

Andrei Burz-Pînzaru, Managing Partner Reff & Asociatii and Simina Mut, Director Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence

Companies in Romania working with Reff & Associates, member of the Deloitte Legal global network, will be among the first in the world to benefit from the legal technology solutions designed within the collaboration between Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence and UiPath. Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence, a global team based in Bucharest which delivers innovative solutions for clients and Deloitte Legal professionals around the world, recently announced the expansion of its technology capabilities through a new collaboration with UiPath, a global leader in robotic process automation (RPA).

Originated in Romania, this strategic collaboration allows the two entities to design, develop and implement automation solutions specifically created to help legal professionals leverage technology in order to maximize efficiency, reduce cost and free lawyers’ time to focus more on tasks of strategic importance for the business. The first solution co-developed by UiPath, Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence and Reff & Associates is a robot for the legal industry which can search public records such as a securities register, which are frequently accessed in due diligence exercises. The robot has the ability to perform a search in approximately seven minutes versus the three and a half hours it took a lawyer to do the same thing.

“Reff & Associates has the unique opportunity to host Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence in Bucharest and, through the cooperation with this global team and UiPath, we will be able to make our clients in Romania among the first ones in the world to benefit from the most innovative legal technology solutions. We have a consistent focus on making an impact in the transformation of the legal profession, by bringing together leading experts in law, operating model transformation, business and technology, to focus on how business can modernize the way legal needs are addressed. Our goal is to deliver our legal services in a more effective way to our clients, but also to support the legal departments of our clients to improve efficiencies and increase the value they deliver back to their business,” said Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, Managing Partner Reff & Associates, member of Deloitte Legal Global Network.

“With the expansion of our Center of Excellence, we are proud to have Bucharest at the forefront of legal technology innovation. Our team helps bring together legal services and new technologies, thus creating an ideal space for rethinking the way in which we design and deliver legal services. The Romanian market is among the first to benefit of this unique mix of legal expertise by Reff & Associates’ team, the international best practices experience of the Center of Excellence and cutting edge technology, with UiPath’s RPA and cognitive automation solutions,” said Simina Mut, Director Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence.

The Deloitte Legal Center of Excellence supports Deloitte Legal global network in the areas of business development, service delivery and legal technology. It enables knowledge-sharing across the business and the ability to leverage technology to deliver seamless, integrated, cross-border services for Deloitte Legal’s multinational clients.

With a team of over 70 lawyers, Reff & Associates is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking & finance, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, litigation, mergers & acquisitions, public sector, real estate. The firm represents in Romania Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 85 countries.






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