- 1. Gabriel Albu iese din asocierea cu Ovidiu Budușan după 12 ani de colaborare. Albu Legal, un nou jucător puternic în practica de ”business crime” (85303)
- 2. Cu ce firme internaționale s-au aliat casele locale de avocați și ce onorarii au cerut pentru IPO-ul Hidroelectrica. Stratulat Albulescu a câștigat selecția și gestionează juridic proiectul achiziției activelor CEZ (82428)
- 3. Ce firme de avocați a selectat Ministerul Finanțelor pentru participarea la proiectul ce presupune asistență consistentă în baza dreptului englez. Contract pe 3 ani, tarife orare de 2.200 lei (79913)
- 4. 2021 Tax Controversy Leaders | Cei mai buni avocați români specializați în controverse fiscale, evidențiați de ITR (World Tax) (75385)
- 5. Cine sunt campionii pieței locale, evidențiați în ultimul clasament IP Stars 2020 | Cei mai buni profesioniști în copyright, brevete și mărci industriale: ZRVP și Simion & Baciu au cele mai multe recomandări, Mușat & Asociații și NNDKP, pe podium (60641)
- 6. 11 români intră în liga celor mai apreciați specialiști, la nivel global, în domeniul mărcilor. Cine apare în WTR Global Leaders 2020 (58863)
- 7. Duncea, Ștefănescu & Asociații câștigă definitiv un litigiu de referință în materia obligațiilor fiscale privind gestionarea ambalajelor și a deșeurilor din ambalaje (54419)
- 8. 15 firme și 28 de persoane fizice din 7 țări cheamă România la ICSID, în al nouălea arbitraj al țării noastre la Washington. Reclamanții au investit în parcuri fotovoltaice (51070)
- 9. Cei mai buni avocaţi în domeniul mărcilor, remarcați de WTR 1000, ediția 2021. Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, lider pe segmentele analizate, o buna expunere pentru Mușat, Simion & Baciu sau ZRVP (50705)
- 10. Situație “excepțională” în arbitrajul ICSID legat de Roșia Montană. Tribunalul admite o „nouă cerere” introdusă de reclamanți, cu mai multe variante de obținere a unor compensații (49341)
Romanian M&A market evolution during 2024· Total value of transactions estimated at US$ 6.6bn in 2024 · Real Estate, Hospitality & ... Filip & Company becomes the first independent CEE law firm to adopt HarveyFilip & Company sets a benchmark for the legal profession, demonstrating how AI can complement human expertise ... Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații Promotes a New Equity PartnerA graduate of the Faculty of Law at "Nicolae Titulescu" University in Bucharest, he has been a member of the ... CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024 ̸ 25 report: Emerging Europe deal activity rebounds, reaching highest levels since 2018Key points:
• Dealmaking in the CEE region is increasingly buoyant.
• Transaction volume was up last year, and market conditions show potential for more deals to be done.
• The International Monetary Fund forecasts that European emerging market economies are anticipated to grow by 3.1% in 2025, compared with 1.4% in Europe’s advanced economies.
• Emerging Europe to benefit from sustained growth, a robust financial ecosystem, and an increasingly digitalised economy. Findings from the CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024/25 report, published today in cooperation with EMIS, demonstrate the resilience of the Emerging Europe deal market as activity rose to the highest levels since 2018. Market confidence has been bolstered by improving economic conditions and a greater sense of stability as inflation continues to subside, and central banks cautiously anticipate further interest rate cuts. The report shows that deal flow in Emerging Europe increased by 8% compared with 2023, with 1,281 deals announced in 2024. BizLawyer CMS | Navigating criminal liability risks for generative AI companiesFor more information on the risks of generative AI and how to mitigate these risks, contact your CMS client partner or these CMS experts: Mihai Jiganie-Serban and Anca Elena Toma. AI generative technology has revolutionised industries, advancing content creation, automation, and innovation, but its rapid adoption introduces criminal liability risks for developers, providers, and users. For generative AI (gen-AI) companies operating in Romania and across multiple jurisdictions, understanding and mitigating these risks is crucial for avoiding legal exposure and fostering trust. The following article highlights key criminal liability implications surrounding gen-AI in Romania and suggests strategies to ensure compliance and risk mitigation. CMS Romania |
Promotion at RTPR: Energy expert Bogdan Cordos is promoted to Partner at RTPR
RTPR announces the promotion of Bogdan Cordos to Partner.He joins the team of 8 partners consisting of Costin Taracila, Victor Padurari, Alexandru Retevoescu, Mihai Ristici, Valentin Berea, Roxana Ionescu, Alina Stavaru and Cosmin Tilea.
Iablonschi & Asociații Joins Marcalliance, Strengthening Its Global Network and Eastern European Presence
Iablonschi & Asociații is proud to announce its appointment as a Romanian member of Marcalliance, a distinguished international network of independent law and tax firms.
CMS | Romania passes procedure for companies to update their object of activity and classification pursuant to NACE Rev. 3
On 31 December 2024, the Romanian National Office of the Trade Registry published its guidance on the procedure for updating the object of activity of companies, according to the new statistical classification NACE Rev.
Publicitate pe BizLawyer? |
Filip & Company assists Credit Europe Bank Romania in the cross-border merger with Credit Europe Bank N.V.
Filip & Company law firm has provided legal assistance to Credit Europe Bank Romania in the process of the cross-border merger by absorption by the parent company, Credit Europe Bank NV in the Netherlands.
Filip & Company assists Qemetica Group in the sale of assets related to soda ash and sodium silicate production in Romania
Filip & Company law firm has provided legal assistance to Qemetica, a major player in the European chemical industry, in a complex project regarding the sale of calcined soda ash and sodium silicate production assets and activities in Romania, through Ciech Soda Romania S.
CMS advises Ahold Delhaize on the completion of the landmark acquisition of Profi Rom Food in Romania
CMS has advised Ahold Delhaize on the completion of its acquisition of leading Romanian grocery retailer Profi Rom Food SRL from MidEuropa, in a transaction worth approximately EUR 1.
Important fiscal changes in Romania starting January 2025
On 30 December 2024, the Romanian government adopted Emergency Ordinance no.
Kinstellar advises syndicate of banks on a EUR 73 million financing to Grup Șerban Holding
Kinstellar have advised a syndicate of banks led by BRD Groupe Société Générale and Banca Transilvania on a EUR 73 million syndicated facility to Grup Șerban Holding.
RTPR starts 2025 with record-breaking deal getting closed: MidEuropa completes EUR1.3bn Profi exit in largest ever private equity deal in Romania
RTPR has assisted the private equity fund MidEuropa and its (former) portfolio company, Profi Rom Food, on the closing of the sale of Profi to Ahold Delhaize in respect of Romanian law matters of the transaction.
CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024 ̸ 25 report: Emerging Europe deal activity rebounds, reaching highest levels since 2018
PeliPartners assisted Argo Capital Property in the sale transaction of Shopping City Suceava shopping center
Argo Capital sells Shopping City Suceava to M Core
CMS | Navigating criminal liability risks for generative AI companies
CBRE Romania Facilitated a Significant Transaction in the Furniture Production Sector
Romanian M&A market evolution during 2024
Filip & Company becomes the first independent CEE law firm to adopt Harvey
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații Promotes a New Equity Partner
Promotion at RTPR: Energy expert Bogdan Cordos is promoted to Partner at RTPR
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