ENEL X Romania installs a solar park with a total capacity of 3 mw for WDP Romania
29 August 2022
BizLawyer• Photovoltaic systems comprise almost 6,700 photovoltaic panels installed on an area of 15,000 square meters. • The plant ensures an average annual production of almost 3,600 MWh and contributes to a reduction of almost 800 tons / year in carbon dioxide emissions.
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Enel X Romania, part of Enel X Global Retail, the advanced energy services division of the Enel Group, is building a solar park with a total installed capacity of almost 3 MW for logistics real estate specialist WDP (Warehouses De Pauw Romania). The partnership is the first project signed by Enel X Romania with a logistics real estate owner.
The photovoltaic systems are part of an extended project and will be installed on the roofs of the warehouses located in Ștefăneștii de Jos, Ilfov County. The plant comprises nearly 6,700 panels that will ensure an average annual production of nearly 3,600 MWh and substantial annual savings on the electricity bill. At the same time, the project will contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by almost 800 tons/year.
The photovoltaic systems are part of an extended project and will be installed on the roofs of the warehouses located in Ștefăneștii de Jos, Ilfov County. The plant comprises nearly 6,700 panels that will ensure an average annual production of nearly 3,600 MWh and substantial annual savings on the electricity bill. At the same time, the project will contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by almost 800 tons/year.
"Developing a sustainable business by installing photovoltaic panels is no longer a trend, but a global requirement, due to the common desire to reduce carbon emissions.” says Mirel Jarnea, Head of e-Industries Enel X Romania. “These systems are even more important in the current context of energy crisis and climate change. We are talking about high performance and reliability technologies and equipment used by Enel X, coming from manufacturers with global expertise in the photovoltaic systems market. Investments in renewable energy sources are no longer just about reducing costs, but also about looking into the future in a sustainable manner.”
“The installation of this rooftop solar park is a clear example of one of the sustainable measures set in place within WDP’s Climate Action Plan, envisaging a net-zero company by 2050. Through this solar installation, we provide our customers with green energy, supporting them in their efforts to operate sustainably and supporting their climate footprint targets”, adds Mihai Budurca, Project Manager WDP Romania.
Enel X Romania’s portfolio includes projects implemented for large companies in sectors such as food, retail, logistics centers, shopping centers and office buildings. In total, about 40,000 photovoltaic panels have been installed, contributing to the reduction of approximately 3,700 tons / year of carbon dioxide emissions. The installation of these energy sources has led to savings for partner companies of over 1 million euros, by eliminating the costs associated with electricity transmission and distribution, as well as contributions regarding green certificates and cogeneration.
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