CMS promotes Cristina Popescu to Partner in Romania
20 Aprilie 2022
R.T.Cristina has more than 15 years’ experience in highly complex insurance, public procurement and employment law projects, advising clients on complex regulatory, compliance and commercial contract work. Her practice also includes data protection, intellectual property and competition.
CMS Romania is pleased to announce that Cristina Popescu has been promoted to Partner as of 1 May 2022. Cristina leads the CEE Insurance Practice Group and is the firm’s eighth local partner in Romania.
Cristina has more than 15 years’ experience in highly complex insurance, public procurement and employment law projects, advising clients on complex regulatory, compliance and commercial contract work. Her practice also includes data protection, intellectual property and competition.
Horea Popescu, Managing Partner of the CMS Bucharest office, commented: “I congratulate Cristina for her new role as a partner and we are delighted to welcome her to the partnership. She is an exceptional lawyer with a firm commitment to providing clients with the highest standards of legal service. Despite these challenging times, this promotion is testament to CMS’s commitment to investing in our people for the long term, and our belief in the strength of our teams and ability to overcome even the direst of circumstances.”
Cristina has more than 15 years’ experience in highly complex insurance, public procurement and employment law projects, advising clients on complex regulatory, compliance and commercial contract work. Her practice also includes data protection, intellectual property and competition.
Horea Popescu, Managing Partner of the CMS Bucharest office, commented: “I congratulate Cristina for her new role as a partner and we are delighted to welcome her to the partnership. She is an exceptional lawyer with a firm commitment to providing clients with the highest standards of legal service. Despite these challenging times, this promotion is testament to CMS’s commitment to investing in our people for the long term, and our belief in the strength of our teams and ability to overcome even the direst of circumstances.”
Throughout her career, Cristina focused on a multitude of legal areas, including Insurance and Reinsurance law, and in particular assisting insurers, reinsurers, and brokers on their regulatory and business challenges in Romania – from complex regulatory issues, through to mediation and litigation around claims, and also corporate and commercial transactions, including insurance portfolio transfers. She also advised clients on government contracting and public procurement matters across a broad range of industry sectors, both commercial and defence-related, and including engineering, construction, technology, software and telecommunications, pharmaceutical and other health-related goods and services.
With respect to employment work, Cristina was involved in negotiations of collective labour agreements, individual or collective dismissal procedures and settlement negotiations in connection with termination of employment, employees’ rights in a transfer of undertakings, non-competes and confidentiality covenants, benefit packages and redundancy procedures etc.
“It is an honour to join the partnership at CMS and I look forward to continuing to help clients as they navigate their way through uncertain times,” said Cristina Popescu. “I am happy to work with such extraordinary colleagues and to be involved in some of the most complex and challenging projects at both local and regional market levels. Together we are one team committed to providing technical rigour and legal strategic advice to keep each client ahead in its chosen markets.”
CMS recently promoted 60 new partners, representing the firm’s largest-ever global promotions round. The appointments span 33 cities across Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa. Women account for 43% of promotions globally.
The promotions follow a successful year for CMS and underscore the firm’s commitment to investing in its people. CMS has implemented a number of pioneering measures to support the progression and inclusion of its people, including: a dynamic hybrid working environment, top-quality mentoring programmes and a technology-led work allocation system.
Founded in 1999, CMS is an integrated, multi-jurisdictional organisation of law firms that offers full-service legal and tax advice. With 70 offices in over 40 countries across the world and more than 5,000 lawyers, CMS has long-standing expertise both in advising in its local jurisdictions and across borders. From major multinationals and mid-caps to enterprising start-ups, CMS provides the technical rigour, strategic excellence and long-term partnership to keep each client ahead in its chosen markets.
The CMS member firms provide a wide range of expertise across 19 practice areas and sectors, including Corporate / M&A, Energy & Climate Change, Funds, Life Sciences & Healthcare, TMC, Tax, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Antitrust, Competition & Trade, Dispute Resolution, Employment & Pensions, Intellectual Property and Real Estate.
The CMS member firms provide a wide range of expertise across 19 practice areas and sectors, including Corporate / M&A, Energy & Climate Change, Funds, Life Sciences & Healthcare, TMC, Tax, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Antitrust, Competition & Trade, Dispute Resolution, Employment & Pensions, Intellectual Property and Real Estate.
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