Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

The Romanian Academy, represented by Popescu & Asociatii, secures a significant victory in a complex restitution case

05 Februarie 2025   |   BizLawyer

The resolution of this intricate case was made possible by the legal expertise of Popescu & Asociatii, which successfully represented the academic institution in multiple complex proceedings over several years.

The law firm Popescu & Asociatii announces a major victory in a long-standing and complex legal case, successfully representing the Romanian Academy. The team of lawyers has successfully recovered 4,500 hectares of forest land, setting a significant precedent in the protection of assets of national importance. This landmark decision reaffirms the Romanian Academy’s property rights, further strengthening its historical patrimony with the legal support of Popescu & Asociații.

The resolution of this intricate case was made possible by the legal expertise of Popescu & Asociatii, which successfully represented the academic institution in multiple complex proceedings over several years. The project required a well-founded legal strategy, effectively managed by our team, led by Octavian Popescu, Managing Partner, Andreea Mihalache, Partner, and Ana Maria Bulea-Ciuraru, Associate.

"The victory in this case represents not only the restoration of a historical right but also a crucial step in consolidating the national patrimony of the Romanian Academy. The success is even more meaningful as we have managed to protect both public and academic interests in such a complex litigation. Through our legal expertise and a carefully crafted strategy, we have once again demonstrated that resolving such cases requires both in-depth knowledge and perseverance." – Octavian Popescu, Managing Partner, Popescu & Asociatii.

Established as a full-service law firm, POPESCU & ASOCIATII is one of Romania’s most respected law firms, delivering top integrated services to companies in various industries, both in local and cross-border transactions and cases, in all relevant practice areas and, in particular, in all industries of interest to active economic actors.
POPESCU & ASOCIATII and its lawyers are included in the elite of Romanian business law in areas such as Corporate/M&A, Litigation, Public-Private Partnerships and Public Procurement, Restructuring and Insolvency, Tax and Criminal Business Law, based on their outstanding capabilities in the legal sector and client accolades, recognized by the most recent editions of all the renowned legal directories such as Chambers & Partners, IFLR 1000, Benchmark Litigation and Legal 500 EMEA.
In 2024, POPESCU & ASOCIATII received, for the 2nd consecutive year, the title of Firm of the Year in Eastern Europe at the Women in Business Law Awards EMEA in London and the "Best in Business Law Women Empowerment" award at the Romanian Top Lawyers Gala.
In 2023, at the Top Lawyers Gala, the Litigation team received the special award "Excellence in Dispute Resolution". In 2022, POPESCU & ASOCIATII was named Law Firm of the Year in Romania at the Romanian Legal Awards. In the same year, the firm was designated, for the 2nd consecutive year, Highly Commended Law Firm in South Eastern Europe, at The Lawyer European Awards, with this achievement POPESCU & ASOCIATII being positioned among the most important names on the European legal market. The distinction continued the path initiated in 2021, when POPESCU & ASOCIATII was the first law firm in Romania, with less than 3 years of activity at that time, to obtain the above mentioned title.
The firm was also nominated by Europa Property, the leading publisher and organizer of online events in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the commercial real estate field, for the Real Estate Law Firm of the Year in Romania at the 15th edition of the SEE Real Estate Awards, and by Benchmark Litigation Europe - the definitive guide to the world's leading litigation firms and lawyers - for the Litigation Law Firm of the Year in Romania.
The Best Real Estate Law firm in Romania, Best Litigation Law Firm in Romania, Best White-Collar Crime Romanian law firm, at the Legal Awards Gala, were obtained on the basis of the firm's outstanding experience and recognition in the Romanian market, as well as Best Banking and Finance Law Firm in Romania, and Best Real Estate Law Firm in Romania, by Legal Marketing's Legal Innovation Awards.
In addition, Octavian POPESCU, Managing Partner of POPESCU&ASOCIATII, received the highest recognition a Romanian lawyer can receive in his career - Lawyer of the Year in Romania - at the Benchmark Litigation Europe Awards 2020, and Loredana POPESCU, Partner, was awarded Equity Capital Markets Capital Markets Lawyer of the Year at the Women in Business Law Awards EMEA 2024. Also, Adrian CHIRVASE, Partner, received the White Collar Crime Lawyer of the Year award at the LMG Life Sciences Awards Gala EMEA 2024.






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