Mitroi Damian Șerbu Șerban, Recently Launched on the Romanian Legal Market, Aims at a 60% Increase in Client Portfolio During the First Two Years
06 Martie 2019
T. S.With an outstanding academic background and exposure to high profile transactions during their collaboration with reputed Romanian law firms and local offices of international firms, the MDSS team – coordinated by founding partners Tudor Mitroi, Claudiu Damian, Andrada Șebu and Cezara Șerban - advises clients on litigation, regulatory&compliance, real estate, data protection and intellectual property matters.
Mitroi Damian Șerbu Șerban (MDSS Legal) provides legal assistance to Romanian entrepreneurs, as well as to multinational companies, in sectors such as automotive, aviation, heavy industries, insurance, media, agribusiness, retail, energy, mining and pharmaceuticals.
With an outstanding academic background and exposure to high profile transactions during their collaboration with reputed Romanian law firms and local offices of international firms, the MDSS team – coordinated by founding partners Tudor Mitroi, Claudiu Damian, Andrada Șerbu and Cezara Șerban - advises clients on litigation, regulatory&compliance, real estate, data protection and intellectual property matters.
With an outstanding academic background and exposure to high profile transactions during their collaboration with reputed Romanian law firms and local offices of international firms, the MDSS team – coordinated by founding partners Tudor Mitroi, Claudiu Damian, Andrada Șerbu and Cezara Șerban - advises clients on litigation, regulatory&compliance, real estate, data protection and intellectual property matters.
“Although we started fresh, we believe that our motivation, the complementary mix of experience and diverse know-how, our highly personalized and tech-oriented approach, are some of the “ingredients” that encouraged our clients, some of them active in strictly regulated industries, to entrust us with some of their most significant projects. We hope to follow this ascending trend while constantly seeking to improve our services and to further adapt them so as to genuinely support our clients’ development strategies”, believes Claudiu Damian, MDSS Legal Managing Partner.
Highlights of the firm’s recent work include:
• Advising a diverse pool of clientele on real-estate contentious and non-contentious matters;
• Known as go-to advisors in the automotive sector, based on our lawyers’ experience with providing legal assistance to two European key players in the truck production industry with respect to their Romanian operations;
• Broad expertise in the media and entertainment sector, having provided in-house and independent day-to-day legal assistance to one of the largest Romanian media groups;
• Assistance to a Romanian heavy machinery manufacturer in recovering over ten million euro from the Romanian State;
• Having advised a top Romanian insurer in a cross-jurisdiction marine insurance dispute amounting to over three million euro;
• Successful representation of a Romanian airport administration company against a claim raised by a contractor amounting to more than two million euro.
About MDSS Legal Partners:
Tudor Mitroi
Tudor specializes in providing legal advice in various areas of practice, with a focus on corporate law, intellectual property, insurance, insolvency and privacy and data protection, being also involved in related dispute resolution proceedings. Prior to co-founding MDSS, Tudor has acquired significant expertise in sectors such as media, NGOs, construction and retail, gaining significant experience both as an in-house lawyer and during his collaboration with independent Romanian law firms. A certified trainer, Tudor has graduated from the University of Bucharest Law School and also holds a LL.M in Tax Law.
Claudiu Damian
Claudiu specializes in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration, assisting and representing clients in commercial disputes, as well as administrative, competition and real estate litigation. Throughout his career, he has acquired extensive experience in industries such as automotive, heavy industries, banking, insurance, agri-business and constructions. Claudiu’s expertise also covers corporate law. Before starting the MDSS entrepreneurial venture, Claudiu has consolidated his expertise while collaborating with a highly regarded Romanian law firm and the local office of a well-known international law firm. A tech-savy lawyer also holding a Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Claudiu has graduated from the University of Bucharest Law School.
Andrada Șerbu
Andrada is primarily involved in matters pertaining to: corporate/M&A, employment law, data protection and real estate, as well as related dispute resolution proceedings. Prior to co-founding MDSS, she collaborated with a leading Romanian law firm, where, amongst others, she coordinated a mass volume banking litigation project. Also, Andrada was the in-house counsel of a reputed constructions company, where she had the opportunity to develop commercial awareness and business acumen. Her pragmatic perspective was considered instrumental by clients with business interests across a large variety of industries, such as: automotive, heavy industries, banking, insurance, agri-business, retail and construction. A passionate lawyer, Andrada graduated from the University of Bucharest Law School and holds a LL.M in Civil Law and Civil Procedure.
Cezara Șerban
Cezara has acquired significant experience in a broad range of dispute resolution matters, such as corporate litigation, administrative contentious disputes, competition disputes, labor litigation, as well as white-collar crime, in sectors such as: aviation, heavy industries, FMCG, construction, banking and energy and natural resources. She has also taken part in complex real-estate deals and in implementing data protection safety-checks. Cezara’s practice is confirmed by her outstanding academic results, being the first and sole lawyer in Romania to have ever ranked first at the two Bar qualification exams. Cezara is a graduate of the University of Bucharest Law School.
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