Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics are expanding in Brasov with an investment of EUR 650,000

07 Aprilie 2022   |   BizLawyer

The team of Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics in Brașov is currently made up of seven professionals, but the recruitment process remains open.

Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics inaugurates the eighteenth dental center in the network on April 9, in Brașov. The investment amounts to EUR 650,000 and provides eight dental offices, digital dental radiology and spaces specially designed for the treatment of children, which integrates gamification technology, according to the concept of ”Space Academy”. All offices are equipped with the highest medical standards.

 “We develop the infrastructure of an institution that can take care of the patient from the first tooth and that can ensure a consistency in terms of dental treatment until the end of life, for any type of dental condition. Basically, this means a network built in the interest of the patient, who gains trust in the medical institution, where he is cared for by a team of doctors. Here, we focus on continuous professional development, as a team, and I am glad to see that we have colleagues who studied in Bucharest, specialize in Cluj and now work in the clinic in Brașov, to grow with us”, said Ionuț Leahu, founder and CEO of the Dr. Leahu Dental Clinic Network.

The company intends to invest at least 1.5 million euros by the end of the year in supplementing the network with 19 practices and announces that it has an infrastructure ready to support the introduction of prevention and access to dentist projects in the list of national health programs, following the initiative initiated by the Private Medical Services Owners's Organization (PALMED).

The expansion of the network of clinics in Brasov shall give patients the chance to restore their entire teeth in just 24 hours. Those who do not have enough bone and for whom there is no other option to have fixed teeth, will be able to opt for the most complex dental surgery: zygomatic implants. In addition, the people of Brasov shall benefit from customized treatments, safely performed by multidisciplinary teams of doctors, such as oral surgery, canal treatments, braces, veneers, crowns and dentures, digital radiology, ultrasound scaling, specialized services for children, emergency treatments, etc.

”Local communities need exceptional, safe, fast and efficient medical services that help patients save time and money. From now on, most dental diseases can be solved in a single intervention in Brasov. Due to this vision, to ensure the access of all Romanians to the correct treatments, I chose to support the efforts of this team and to join them in this project", said the manager of the clinic in Brasov, Iuliana Sârbu.

Patients shall have several payment options for dental services, including credit card payments, with 12 or 18 interest-free monthly installments, or through the DentalCredit program, which provides a customized financing plan directly in the clinic. The dental center shall provide companies with advantageous corporate subscriptions, through which they shall be able to offer employees easy and fast access to dental consultations and treatments.

The team of Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics in Brașov is currently made up of seven professionals, but the recruitment process remains open.

Brașov County occupies the fifth position in the top of the counties in the country in terms of the performance of the dental industry, with total revenues of over 75 million lei in 2020. The capital occupies the first place, with 644.5 million lei, followed by the counties of Cluj, Argeș and Timiș, according to COFACE data.







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