LegiTeam: MPR|Partners is looking for junior lawyers (Bucharest office)
20 Februarie 2023
LegiTeamPlease send your resume and letter of intent (explaining why you chose to be part of our team and what motivates you in your legal career) to office@mprpartners.com. Please use the subject line Junior.
Between groundbreaking technology matters, major M&A deals, real estate & infrastructure projects, pharma & healthcare mandates, day-to-day corporate assistance and so on, our consultancy department needs more hands and brains to help us continue to provide top-quality advice to our major international and local clients. We consequently have two openings for year 1 junior lawyers, who are eager to learn and jumpstart their business law careers.
Who we are:
→ independent business law firm with offices in London and Bucharest;
→ recipients of Highly Commended (Runner-up) European Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer European Awards 2018 accolade; Eastern Europe and the Balkans Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2018; Romania Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2017;
Who we are:
→ independent business law firm with offices in London and Bucharest;
→ recipients of Highly Commended (Runner-up) European Law Firm of the Year at The Lawyer European Awards 2018 accolade; Eastern Europe and the Balkans Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2018; Romania Law Firm of the Year award, at The Lawyer European Awards 2017;
→ Recipients of two Lexology Client Choice Awards awarded by in-house counsels for excellence of service and outstanding client care;
→ professional legal, tax and insolvency services provider with practice areas ranked by the most reputed international legal directories (such as Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500, Best Lawyers International, etc);
→ proud holder of an impressive portfolio of major global clients (important names in numerous sectors such as technology, air transport, automotive, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, energy, telecommunications, financial services, and many more);
→ constant contributor to reputed international publications and professional platforms (such as The World Bank Group, Thomson Reuters, International Comparative Legal Guides, Lexology – Getting the Deal Through, Sweet and Maxwell, etc.).
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
What we are seeking:
→ proficiency in English (written and spoken), including strong knowledge of legal English is an absolute must;
→ LL.M and any other degrees in law or economics (ideally awarded by a foreign university) are a plus;
→ previous inerships or experience in a firm ranked by major directories constitutes an advantage;
→ openness to continuous professional training, team spirit and adaptability to firm`s policies and high standards.
What we are offering:
→ attractive remuneration package;
→ high profile clients and assignments;
→ career advancement opportunities based on both professional and personal qualities;
→ the opportunity to work with an award-winning highly professional team, repeatedly praised by its clients for the services provided and impeccable approach to matters;
→ continuous education opportunities (through attendance to professional events and courses, drafting of articles and consequent publication thereof, through the firm’s media channels and partners);
→ work environment centred on strong ethics, integrity and team spirit.
Please send your resume and letter of intent (explaining why you chose to be part of our team and what motivates you in your legal career) to office@mprpartners.com. Please use the subject line Junior.
Due to high number of applications received, only selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
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