Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

ZRVP Secures Landmark Lease for Tech-Con Industry in Bucharest’s Prime Location

20 Iunie 2024   |   B. A.

The team of lawyers who assisted Tech-Con Industry on real estate & commercial matters during the negotiation of the contractual set was formed of Marina - Crenguța Florea, partner and Lavinia Ludovic, senior associate.

Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) advised Tech-Con Industry Romania in leasing approximately 2,500 sqm of warehouse and office space in VLPark Bucharest West. The contractual negotiations, led by lawyers Marina - Crenguța Florea, partner, and Lavinia Ludovic, senior associate, lasted over six months and ensured an efficient legal framework for the company's relocation. This move marks an important moment for Tech-Con Industry, as it allows the company to expand its operations into a new, adequate space.

Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) provided legal assistance throughout the entire process by which Tech-Con Industry Romania leased approx. 2,500 sq. m of warehouse and office premises in VLPark Bucharest West, a strategic location at the city’s western entrance. The team of lawyers who assisted Tech-Con Industry on real estate & commercial matters during the negotiation of the contractual set was formed of Marina - Crenguța Florea, partner and Lavinia Ludovic, senior associate.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to assist Tech-Con Industry during this significant milestone in their business in Romania. We highly value the productive collaboration with both the local and international teams. As always, we are pleased to leverage our expertise to enhance our clients' contractual positions in such important transactions”, said Marina Crenguta Florea, partner of ZRVP.

ZRVP offered comprehensive legal assistance in accordance with Romanian law throughout the entire lease negotiation process. The focus was on reviewing the transaction documents and establishing a balanced contractual framework concerning the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties, under which the company will operate and manufacture for at least the next five years.

“This achievement would not have been possible without the outstanding legal guidance and tireless efforts of ZRVP’s legal team. Their expertise in commercial real estate and contract negotiation was instrumental in navigating and concluding this deal. The team at ZRVP went above and beyond to support us throughout the entire process. From the initial negotiations to the final signing, they were there every step of the way, providing invaluable advice and ensuring that our interests were protected. Their professionalism and dedication have been truly commendable”, commented Yoav Katznelson, CEO of Tech-Con Group.

The negotiations, which lasted over six months, had in the foreground mainly the securement of the legal framework for the specific fit-out envisaged by Tech-Con Industry and the establishment of the conditions to be fulfilled by both the landlord and the tenant to ensure an efficient and gainful collaboration for both parties.

“The collaboration with the Tech-Con Industry team was one extremely rewarding, thanks to their active and detailed involvement in the entire negotiation process. The ability to understand the technical details as communicated by their team combined with our legal expertise and knowledge of the real estate market made possible the successful completion of this lease. We are grateful for this new professional challenge and opportunity at the same time”, added Lavinia Ludovic, senior associate of ZRVP.

Tech-Con Industry, a member of the Tech-Con group, started its activity in Romania as the exclusive representative of a group of companies from the international elite of industrial automation, in a short time becoming a prominent member of the automation market in Romania. This lease transaction marks an important moment for the company as it means the relocation of their entire activity, including production and offices, in a new, extended, and adequate space.







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