RTPR starts new year with lawyer promotions
19 Ianuarie 2023
BizLawyerAna Popa, Andrada Rusan and Diana Dimitriu become Senior Associate, while Lia Ilie and Codrina Simionescu are promoted to Managing Associate.
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“We start the year with very good news. I am extremely delighted to announce a new round of promotions at the end of a year with exceptional results for our team, with many landmark transactions and recognition of the value of the RTPR lawyers at international level. Our success as a law firm is the result of the teamwork, contribution, dedication and talent of each and every of our lawyers. We are proud to have an outstanding team across all major practice areas we are covering, and this year’s promotions confirm our commitment to further develop our expertise in the key areas. I would like to thank our colleagues for their passion, loyalty and determination they show every single day and to congratulate them for this well-deserved recognition”, said Costin Taracila, Managing Partner of RTPR.
Ana Popa has over 10 years’ experience in litigation and arbitration, advising and representing local and international companies in dispute resolution in various fields, with a focus on commercial, administrative and tax litigations, as well as intellectual property and labour disputes. Ana was part of the team that obtained a final win before the High Court of Cassation and Justice for an international car parts manufacturer in a complex tax litigation in which the court obliged ANAF to return 1.5 million Euros to our client. She successfully represented Electrica in a EUR 800 million litigation against the Management Company for Ownership in Energy (SAPE) for alleged breaches of the post-privatisation monitoring obligations regarding former distribution subsidiaries of Electrica.
Andrada Rusan’s core area of expertise is commercial litigation, particularly in the competition, unfair competition and intellectual property fields. Andrada advises and assists clients on these areas of law and she also represents them in investigations of the competition authority. Andrada represented Zenith Media Communications in a competition dispute in which the RTPR team has recently obtained a historic victory at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), thus contributing to the creation of EU law through a win regarding the principles of how the fines applied by the competition authorities in all Member States are calculated. In another successful mandate she obtained a preliminary ruling of the CJEU regarding the clarification of the “consumer” concept for unprofessional investors trading on financial instruments platforms. Legal 500 2022 mentions Andrada in Competition and EU and Intellectual Property sections where clients appreciate her “outstanding capabilities in the field of trademarks and copyright”.
Diana Dimitriu is specialised in advising domestic and international companies on employment law projects, her expertise covers a large range of aspects such as complex transfers of business, collective dismissals, sensitive high-profile individual dismissals, personnel restructuring, negotiations, disciplinary processes, management incentive plans, as well as corporate law, mergers & acquisitions. Diana is mentioned in the most recent edition of Legal 500 in the Employment chapter, and Ezugi, Innova and Ursus Breweries are some of the clients she advised during the last year. Recently, Diana has been part of the team that assisted African Industries Group on the acquisition of the fitness network World Class Romania from private equity fund Resource Partners.
Lia Ilie is specialised in banking and finance, advising both domestic and international banks and financial institutions, as well as borrowers on various banking and finance transactions, syndicated or bilateral financings, creation and perfection of guarantees and security, as well as public procurement. One of her recent projects is EBRD’s EUR 25 million loan granted to Banca Transilvania for sustaining Banca Transilvania’s lending capacity to Romanian companies affected by the war in Ukraine. Lia is recommended in Legal 500 2023 in the Banking & Finance category, and her clients’ description highlights the “good knowledge of the banking regulatory matters, efficient and responds promptly to the client’s requests”
Codrina Simionescu has extensive experience in advising on commercial transactions, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, as well as capital markets deals and energy projects. Her recent projects include advising LKE Group, one of the most important German suppliers of handling and logistic products and systems, on the acquisition of the majority shareholding stake in Someg S.A. and a part of Transcarpatica S.A. business, as well as Meridiam SAS, a global investor and asset manager, in relation to entering Netcity Telecom’s shareholding, the company that operates the underground telecommunications infrastructure in Bucharest.
RTPR is one of the most appreciated and well-known law firms in Romania. The team has unparalleled experience in various practice areas, being regularly involved in the largest and most sophisticated deals in Romania and in the region. The quality of the team and of the services they provide is recognised at international level, the most important legal directories Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000 rank the firm on the top tier every year, while RTPR lawyers are recommended as Leading Lawyers for various practice areas, such as Corporate/M&A, Banking & finance, Capital Markets, Dispute resolution, Competition, Energy and natural resources, Real estate and Construction, Employment, Intellectual Property and TMT (Technology, media and telecom).
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