Retirees whose pension has been miscalculated can get their money back regardless of period
29 Aprilie 2021
AgerpresThe Minister of Labour pointed out that the state paid only last year over RON 10 million for legal assistance in lawsuits filed by pensioners in cases of incorrect calculation of the pension and appreciated that the introduction of data from pension files in the computer system will have the effect of reducing calculation errors.
Retirees who have received smaller pensions than they should have, as a result of miscalculations made by state officials, can get their money back for the entire period miscalculated, after the president promulgated the law eliminating the statute of limitations in these cases, mentioned, on Thursday, the Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Raluca Turcan, on Facebook.
"President Klaus Iohannis has enacted a law eliminating the statute of limitations for retirees who have received smaller pensions because the state has miscalculated them. They will get their money back, regardless of the period since the mistake of the officials, at the time. Until now, in case of miscalculation of the pension, people received the money back only for the last 3 years, as long as it was the statute of limitations," Raluca Turcan specified.
The Minister of Labour pointed out that the state paid only last year over RON 10 million for legal assistance in lawsuits filed by pensioners in cases of incorrect calculation of the pension and appreciated that the introduction of data from pension files in the computer system will have the effect of reducing calculation errors.
"Yes, to make a mistake is human, and the mistake of some officials is not intentional, given the working conditions, which are often not easy. However, to perpetuate in error is malicious and in order to reduce these mistakes, we need the evaluation of pension files and the introduction of data in the computer system. The evaluation of pension files, i.e. digitization of the pension system, means both correction of errors in the calculation of the pension, due to data entered in the system, and inequities that now exist, in the sense of the law enforcement, i.e. people with similar positions but who have retired in different periods and who, due to the calculation formula in which the average gross earnings used in the calculation differ from one period to another, make the pensions to present differences depending on the year of retirement, although we are talking about people who have held the same position," said Raluca Turcan.
The Minister of Labour claimed that when all pension files will be introduced in the digital system, the recalculation of pensions will be done automatically, through a program.
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