KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații SPARL, advisor of Turpaz Industries in the acquisition of Aromatique Food
17 Octombrie 2022
BizLawyerThe KPMG Legal team provided legal assistance during the entire process of drafting, negotiating and signing the transaction documentation and, further, until the effective implementation of the transaction.
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KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații assisted Turpaz Industries Ltd. in the acquisition of Aromatique Food SRL. KPMG Legal team also collaborated with Ariel Levi, the legal consultant of Turpaz Industries Ltd. in Israel.
Established in 2013, Aromatique Food develops, manufactures and sells spices and additives for the food industry. Turpaz Industries is an Israeli flavour and fragrance manufacturer, having over 40 years of experience in crafting tailor-made compounds and ingredients.
The transaction is ongoing, until the effective implementation being necessary to obtain the authorisation required from the foreign direct investments perspective.
The KPMG Legal team provided legal assistance during the entire process of drafting, negotiating and signing the transaction documentation and, further, until the effective implementation of the transaction.
Established in 2013, Aromatique Food develops, manufactures and sells spices and additives for the food industry. Turpaz Industries is an Israeli flavour and fragrance manufacturer, having over 40 years of experience in crafting tailor-made compounds and ingredients.
The transaction is ongoing, until the effective implementation being necessary to obtain the authorisation required from the foreign direct investments perspective.
The KPMG Legal team provided legal assistance during the entire process of drafting, negotiating and signing the transaction documentation and, further, until the effective implementation of the transaction.
Laura Toncescu, Head of KPMG Legal and Dragoș Iamandoiu, Senior Managing Associate, coordinated the legal assistance related to the transaction, acting for Turpaz Industries Ltd. with the significant support of Ioana Naroși (Managing Associate) and Andreea Liviță (Senior Associate).
KPMG Legal worked in integrated teams of lawyers and advisors, together with KPMG Advisory team, coordinated by Bogdan Văduva, Advisory Partner, Head of Deal Advisory and Elena Surdeanu, as well as KPMG Tax, coordinated by Daniel Pană - Partner, Tax, all experts joining forces to provide integrated solutions during the transaction process.
KPMG Legal – Toncescu și Asociații, the Romanian law firm affiliated with KPMG in Romania, is a law firm that differentiates itself in the market by its ability to provide legal services as part of complete solutions offered together with KPMG specialists. Such services are provided by using technology to ensure efficiency and access to the latest and most innovative solutions our team being well known for the quality of the legal services, provided by a team of experienced and specialized lawyers.
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