Drula deems as aberrant current situation of CFR Marfa, “jewel” of companies under Ministry of Transport
28 Aprilie 2021
AgerpresAccording to the cited source, the discussions with the representatives of the Railway Technical Federation Alliance and the Trade Movement Union Federation focused on identifying solutions for the profitability of CFR Marfa (Railway Freight Transport) as well as on the measures to be taken the next period in the restructuring plan adopted at the company level.
At the meeting with SNTFM CFR Marfa SA trade union federations, Minister of Transports Catalin Drula said that the growth of the National Rail Freight Company (SNTFM) CFR Marfa has been affected by the chaotic decisions made in recent years, the appointment of some people without taking into account the competence criteria and deemed as aberrant the company's situation at present, given that in 2003 - 2004, it was the "jewel" of the companies under the Ministry of Transport, informs a press release of the ministry sent to AGERPRES on Wednesday.
According to the cited source, the discussions with the representatives of the Railway Technical Federation Alliance and the Trade Movement Union Federation focused on identifying solutions for the profitability of CFR Marfa (Railway Freight Transport) as well as on the measures to be taken the next period in the restructuring plan adopted at the company level.
"The chaotic decisions made in recent years, the appointment of people at the top of the company's management without taking into account the criteria of competence and professionalism are just some of the causes that affected the development of CFR Marfa. It is not normal that a company that in 2003-2004 was the "jewel" of the companies under the ministry to end up like this. I can see that the new management has already implemented a series of measures, and the results are starting to show: for the first time, after a long time, we have a forecast budget on profit. It is vital for the company to close the "taps" through which money was lost and to strengthen its position in the market. Unfortunately, due to the wrong decisions of previous years, the company's management was also forced to take certain measures such as the dismissal of staff. It is a radical but necessary measure and we want to carry out this process in partnership with trade unions in a transparent manner, with clear criteria and with the observance of the provisions on social protection," said Drula.
The official added that, following the discussions in Brussels on CFR Marfa, "I was glad that the officials with the European Commission understood the real situation of this company and appreciated the plans for restructuring and repayment of state aid, that I presented".
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